[Get Solution] Informative and Persuasive Paper
1.Discuss in detail the epidemic HIV and AIDS in Botswana. Who is impacted? Why is HIV/AIDS so important in Botswana. How is Botswana impacted by HIV/AIDS? Why must HIV/AIDS must be addressed? What are the consequences of NOT addressing HIV/AIDS in Botswana? Identify three social determinants of health that impact HIV/AIDS in Botswana the most? Expalin in detail please. 2. What is HIV/ADIS like in the United States? Who is affected primarily? How does HIV/ AIDS affect the united States? Who is affected by HIV/AIDS the most in the US? Which country has the biggest problem with HIV/AIDS? What is similar and what is different about HIV/AIDS in Botswana and United States? I identify three social determinants of health that impact United States because of HIV/AIDS? 3. Identify 3 interventions (education can only be ONE intervention) that would make a difference in Botswana and in the United States. Would the interventions be the same or different. (most likely different as the primary HIV issue in Botswana is with women and in the US primarily with me. Identify the connection between the social determinants of health, HIV/AIDS and the interventions. Persuade the audience that the identified interventions would be useful in making a difference with HIV/ADIS. Must have at least 3 peer-reviewed journals (2017-2020) references.(must have do#) 7th edition APA