Industrial/Workplace Psychology
Apply what you’ve learned about industrial psychology to better understand a workplace in entertainment. Your entertainment example may come from a TV show, movie, book, theater production, video game, or comic book. Your paper should:1. Describe your entertainment example (the TV show, movie, etc.), particularly with any relevant context to help your reader understand your analysis. For example, your reader may need a brief description of the characters, overall plotline, or what happened previously in the story. Assume that your reader has never heard of these characters or the source; explain enough that the reader can understand your example.2. Analyze the entertainment example using information that you learned from this I/O class. Specifically, use concepts from at least four lectures/chapters. For each of your four concepts, you shoulda) define and describe the conceptb) explain how the concept applies to this entertainment example and helps us interpret/understand what is happeningc) assess what is beneficial and/or harmful about the way the characters are doing things, and whether an I/O psychologist might recommend changes (and what those changes might be) 3. Cite your source for your entertainment example such that I could find the example for myself (e.g., giving the show title, season, and episode number). Cite any additional sources that you consult, as well. Please use whatever citation style youre most comfortable with, as long as you give me the information that I need to find your source. If youre a psychology major, I would recommend that you practice using APA style for your citations.There is not a particular page minimum/maximum, but most papers are at least five paragraphs long (one paragraph introducing the entertainment example, and one paragraph for each of the four concepts). That’s just a typical organization – you are free to organize your paper however best fits what you’re trying to communicate. This assignment is somewhat broad in order to let you choose from a wide variety of examples and concepts.