Income Inequality, Poverty, and Discrimination
Topic selection: Every student should select either Chapter 23 or Chapter 24 belonging to the textbook section on Microeconomic Issues and Policies. Chapter 23: Income Inequality, Poverty, and Discrimination. Chapter 24: Health Care. Format and Criteria: The research paper should be 6-8 pages long (at least) excluding the bibliography page, Your paper should consist of three parts and should include and discuss the following matters: Summarize the selected chapter (1.5 2 pages) (textbook) – part 1; Select one problem described and discussed in this chapter and analyze it using the additional not related to the textbook materials (2-3 pages) (independent sources) – part 2; Discuss how this problem affects you of people whom you know. If you think that this problem has a solution discuss it (2.5- 3 pages) – part 3. The paper should be typed. Use the MLA format. To learn about the MLA format check this site: . All used sources should be named. You should use for your research at least 3 sources including the textbook.