[ORDER SOLUTION] Identifying Assimilation Patterns
Overview Write 250+ word response, in full sentences (NO BULLET POINTS) following all of the prompt instructions below. Recommended to write your response in a document on your computer and then copy and paste into the assignment text box. Hit the submit assignment button on the top right corner of the assignment page. Respect the due dates and follow the rules of the course. Submit well before the deadline because no late submissions are accepted and the assignment locks after due date. Instructions (A-D): A. In this activity, you will explore assimilation patterns among contemporary immigrant groups in the U.S. You will compare, patterns of assimilation by first-generation to second-generation (children of immigrants) and third-generation (grand children). Describe, if any, the assimilation patterns among those of Latino/a, Asian, Caribbean, or African origins (if none explain this). B. Access the report HERE (Links to an external site.): read chapters 1-5 by focusing on the group you selected. Second-Generation Americans Chapter 1: Overview Second-generation Americansthe 20 million adult U.S.-born children of immigrantsare substa… 1. Summarize and describe key charts that caught your attention. 1. Summarize and describe key charts that caught your attention. 2. Which stages of assimilation are demonstrated? Apply and discuss specific stages of immigration p. 134-4. Define sociological terms used. 3. Evaluate the degree to which you think assimilation is taking place according to the charts in the report. Is it high, low, between? Was this what you expected why or why not? If applicable explain an example from your experience. C. Thoughtfully respond to at least 2 other people in your discussion group by Sunday. D. Grading Rubric: Click on the option drop-down menu (It’s the dotted line located in the top right-hand corner) and then click on “Show Rubric” to view the grading requirements for this discussion