How to Get Promoted
Discussion Forum #2 – How to get promoted 3 3 unread replies. 3 3 replies. Module for Responding to Discussion Assignments – Please read prior to responding to the Discussions Discussion Forum #2: How to get promoted Due Date: First Post is due on Wednesday, September 9th at 11:59 p.m. PST (50 points) Second Post due: Friday, September 11th at 11:59 PM PST (25 points) Third Post due: Sunday, September 13th at 11:59 PM PST (25 points) Points: Total possible is 100 points To receive full credit: You should submit your initial (first) post (for 50 points) by Wednesday, September 9th at 11:59 PM PST, (to give opportunity for others to respond), and your subsequent responses to the posts of other learners, the first response to fellow classmate (worth 25 points) by Friday, September 11th at 11:59 PM PST and the second response to a classmate (worth 25 points) by Sunday, September 13th at 11:59 PM PST. You need to participate in the discussion on three different days. Keep in mind the goal is to have a dynamic discussion. Submitting a Discussion Post For each Section of the course (there are four Sections), you’ll participate in a threaded Discussion. A discussion question will be given, which you’ll answer in at least two paragraphs. Each paragraph should be 3-5 sentences in length. Your response to each of your fellow classmates should be two paragraphs with each paragraphs consisting of 3-5 sentences. Welcome to Discussion Forum#2. The Discussion Forum is a great place for you to learn from each other and to network. I encourage you to actively participate here in a positive and encouraging manner. Have fun 🙂 Instructions: 1. Click the ‘Reply’ box below. Enter your discussion post. Your post should be at least at two paragraphs with each paragraph consisting of 3-5 sentences. The discussion topic is: How to get promoted. Explain how excellent written and oral communication skills can improve a person’s marketability in the current job market. After you have entered your response, then respond to at least two of your fellow student’s posts by clicking ‘Reply’ below their post. Then commenting on their post, make a suggestion, or ask a follow-up question. You need to add value to the posts. Posts limited to OMG, I agree, Awesome and similar are not adding value to the discussion. Give examples and reasons for your statements. Discussion points are earned by a combination of the integrity of content, quality participation, and the value added to the discussion. First post that need reply Excellent written and oral communication skills can improve a person’s marketability in their current job market because you demonstrate professionalism, courteous behavior, and clear communication. Showing a professional first impression will help your career and business relationships because you will be viewed as competent and a solid team member. A courteous professional is always desirable on a team. When you communicate clearly, results are achieved more efficiently. As one continues to communicate clearly in difficult and stressful situations, one will be viewed as a stronger piece of a team. A team that communicates clearly and successfully can avoid any issue that would arise when dealing with communication. The fewer issues one has getting their work done while having clear and efficient communication with their team, the more desired the worker will be to stay on the team and help it grow. Second post that need reply Excellent written and oral communication skills can improve a person’s marketability in the current job market because employees increasingly need to be able to differentiate themselves. Many job functions are being automated because of recent technological innovations, so pure technical skills are no longer enough. Therefore, what job-seekers need nowadays are developed soft skills. Communication is one of the most important soft skills that company recruiters need. Communication is important because an effective communicator can save time and money by ensuring that company activities proceed smoothly. Companies need their different departments to be able to work together, but if communication is not done effectively, then the company operations will be adversely affected. Your initital post does not need to be too long, same with the two posts I give are fine