How Being Quarantined Affects Family Relationships
Cause/Effect Argument Imagine that you have identified a potential problem or issue at your job or with a community organization you belong to (neighborhood, place of worship, your childs school, a civic organization, etc.). Youve been asked to do some research about this problem and present your findings to the planning committee regarding the cause(s) (and/or effects) of the issue. You know that eventually youll be asked to propose a solution to the problem, and youre smart enough to recognize that in order for your proposed solution to be accepted by the group, youll need to start persuading them to accept your explanation of the cause(s) of this problem. You need to produce a persuasive argument regarding the issue or problem at your workplace or in your community. Your argument should make a claim that something specific is causing or contributing to the problem or issue youve identified. (You may choose to include a discussion of the effects of the problem or issue, though you are not required to do so.) In order to effectively persuade your audience, you need to: · Clearly identify whats at stake in your claim about this issue. Who cares? What difference does this issue make in the lives of your audience? · Understand who your audience is. What do they value? Why is this issue an issue? · Appeal to your audience. What will persuade this particular audience to believe you? · Describe the issue in your paper, providing appropriate context. Consider the journalist questions: Who? What? Where? When? How? Why? · Discuss in your paper other possible causes, showing why your explanation is most likely. You must use a minimum of four academic sources for your paper. Use APA rules for formatting your manuscript and for preparing your in-text citations and References list. Audience: stakeholders Purpose: to persuade your audience that your explanation for the cause of this issue is the most likely of any explanation offered Scope: 1200-1400 words [5-6 pages]; must include at least 4 sources