Hospital Report Card Comparison
P1Please place each assignment on it own page clearly, keep each of them separated for clarity sake. Thank you. Hospital Report Card Comparison (1 page max) Students will sign onto the Hospital Compare Website @ and identify three hospitals rankings. Once you review the scores write a summary of your findings. The summary will also be submitted directly on blackboard discussion board (not as an attachment) during the weekly assignment. Submission to blackboard it will be in paragraph form. Ability to utilize the Web site and make specific comments on the ranking criteria and potential reasons for the scores, including selecting a hospital you would recommend to family members based on the data. 2. Safe Patient Handling Act ( 1 page max) Research the Safe Patient Handling Act and describe the act, implementation dates, how it was proposed and what interest groups would be supportive of the act. Would any oppose the act? 3. Federal Register (1 page max, its a comprehensive summary) Look up the Federal Register and identify an issue that is in the Federal Register related to health care and describe how you would comment on the issue if you were a trade association. This assignment requires you to: · Go on-line and research the Federal Register · Identify how often it is published · Identify what steps occur before an item/law gets published in the Federal Register · What is the purpose of publishing in the Federal Register · How long is a comment period · Identify one item you would comment on related to health policy · What do you think of the process, is it impactful? · Were you familiar with the process before this class? This should be a comprehensive summary that you can post directly onto the assignment. It does not need to be an attachment and APA format IS NOT required. It should be a concise overview with the details outlining the process.