Home School vs Public School
Grading Rubric for Research/Argument Essay Introduction (15 points possible): _____ creative introduction that establishes the topic and has a good arguable thesis statement _____ fairly creative introduction that establishes the topic and has a decent arguable thesis statement _____ introduction that does not establish the topic or does not have a good or arguable thesis statement _____ either does not have an introduction or does not have a thesis statement Organization and Development (20 points possible): _____ has a clear, logical sense of order that fits outline given and at least 3 good supporting points that support the thesis statement _____ has a clear, logical sense of order that fits outline given and 2 good supporting points that support the thesis statement _____ has a semi logical sense of order and decent supporting points that support the thesis and mostly fits the outline given _____ has some sense of order and points that may or may not support the thesis statement and may not fit the outline given _____ order does not fit the outline given or has no support for the thesis statement Word Usage (15 points possible): _____ an abundance of vivid language that immerses the reader and no forbidden words _____ some vivid language and 1 forbidden word _____ slightly vivid language and 2 forbidden words _____ Language is not vivid or 3 or more forbidden words Major Grammar (run-on sentences, comma splices, subject-verb disagreement, and sentence fragments) (15 points possible): ____ contains no major grammar errors ____ contains 1 major grammar errors ____ contains 2 major grammar errors ____ contains 3 or more major grammar errors Minor Grammar (commas, incorrect apostrophes) (10 points possible): ____ 2 minor grammar errors ____ 3 minor grammar errors ____ 4 minor grammar errors ____ 5 or more minor grammar errors Conclusion (15 points possible): _____brief summary of points and has complete and unique resolution _____ brief summary of points but has weak resolution _____ summary of points is too long or too short and little and/or weak resolution _____ no summary and no resolution Format (10 points possible): _____ no formatting errors _____ 1 formatting error _____ 2 formatting errors _____ 3 formatting errors _____ more than 3 formatting errors Potential Subtractions: Missed length requirement on final draft (-10 points per page): _____ Little to no clear effort to revise from previous revisions (-10 points): _____ Final draft not submitted on Blackboard (-5 points): _____ Does not use all sources (-10 points): _____ Does not have required number of sources (-10 points): _____ Does not have relevant research (-10 points):____ Grand Total: Percentage: Final comments: