Historically Themed Movie Analysis
The essay must have a title. The essay must have an introduction with a clear thesis statement.( Well-developed introductory paragraph addresses the movie, the question, and contains a thesis statement.) The essay must have a body.( This section contains an organized, coherent argument analyzing the movie and presenting supporting evidence.) The essay must have a conclusion.( The conclusion restates the argument and its resolution as constructed in the thesis statement.) Paper is coherently organized. Writing is clear and concise Wikipedia is a place to start your research, but do not let it be the only source you use. Find the sources cited in the wiki article and use those for your research. Generally speaking, as works of art, movies reflect the work of multiple artists, including writers, directors, and cinematographers. Consequently, movies reflect the sensibilities and the technological capabilities of the moments in which they are created. Occasionally moviemakers will use a historical theme as a commentary on their own era. Researching the production details of the movie will help you better understand this aspect. Movies themselves have certain parameters, such as the need to tell a complete story in a short amount of time, the need to create a narrative flow with a dramatic arc, and the need to tell complex stories using just images and sound. Ways that moviemakers accomplish this include Compressing the timeline of the event to fit the length of the movie Thinning the datamaking the story simpler Focus more on the visually exciting or dramatic aspects of the event. Minimize characters, combine historical personas into single characters, or adding characters. Creating symbols and metaphors to stand in for complex ideas. The above practices can be a starting point for your analysis of the movie. Rather than looking for errors, observe how the moviemakers had to negotiate between being true to the historical record, and crafting a dramatic narrative.