Utilizing our course materials and any other credible sources you find, discuss what you see as the greatest pro of the ACA and the greatest con of the ACA. Be specific and provide examples. List your sources both within and at the end of the essay. Your essay should be a minimum of 300 words. These are some answers to questions from this source: Blumenthal, D., Abrams, M., & Nuzum, R. (2015). The affordable care act at 5 years. (USE THIS AS A SOURCE) 1. When did President Obama sign the Affordable Care Act (ACA) into law? March 23, 2010 2. What are the two goals of the article? To review the two basic thrusts of the law: expansion of health insurance, and its reforms of the health care delivery system. 3. What three critical dimensions of the health care system are explored? How will they be measured? a. Adequacy of access to care. Measured by proportion of Americans who lack meaningful protection against the cost of illness and the ability of Americans to get care they need b. Cost of care. Measured by rate of increase in health care spending and proportion of national wealth devoted to health care services c. Quality of care experienced. Measured by national indicators of quality, such as those reported in AHRQ. 4. Using your own words, describe the pattern you observe in figure 1. The proportion of those who are uninsured was 16% in 2014, one of the lowest estimates since 2001. 5. List the four ways in which the ACA law has improved the availability of health insurance. a. 11.7 million Americans have selected a health plan b. Expansion of Medicaid c. Uninsured young Americans have gained coverage under parents policies d. Those who have health insurance outside federal marketplaces are benefiting from ACA regulations that prevent insurers from discriminating against those with preexisting conditions 6. What four categories to the authors create to better explain how the ACA has approached improving health care delivery? a. Changes in payment b. Changes in the organization of health care delivery c. Changes in workforce policy d. Changes intended to make government more nimble and innovative in pursuing future health care reforms