Health Policy Diets Journal
Health Policy Diets Journal Health Policy Diets Journal Create a 5 pages Journal draft for publication following the Guidelines for Manuscript Preparation provided author_guidelines_for_manuscript_preparation_1.docx improving_health_diets_policies__1__con_apendices_yeesss.docx Unformatted Attachment Preview Health Policy Diets Journal. Author Guidelines for Manuscript Preparation Author Guidelines Our editorial team welcomes all researchers across the globe to publish their original works in our open access journals. All articles are evaluated based on an international peer review process. Accepted articles are published in full open access. No login required to read the full text or pdf versions of all articles. Here is the detailed description of the manuscript formats, submission, copyright, CrossMark and publication policies. 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CrossMark policy CrossMark is a multipublisher initiative by the CrossRef Organization to provide a standard way for readers to locate the authoritative version of a document. Click on the CrossMark logo in any given document to view status information about the document. If an update exists, the status information will include a CrossRef DOI link to the updated document. The appearance of a CrossMark logo on a document indicates that ClinMed journal is committed to maintaining the content through any updates, corrections, enhancements, retractions, or other changes, and alerting readers to these changes if and when they occur. CrossMark policy CrossMark is a multipublisher initiative by the CrossRef Organization to provide a standard way for readers to locate the authoritative version of a document. Click on the CrossMark logo in any given document to view status information about the document. If an update exists, the status information will include a CrossRef DOI link to the updated document. The appearance of a CrossMark logo on a document indicates that ClinMed journal is committed to maintaining the content through any updates, corrections, enhancements, retractions, or other changes, and alerting readers to these changes if and when they occur. Running head: IMPROVING HEALTH DIETS POLICIES Improving Health Diet Policies NURS 502 1 IMPROVING HEALTH DIETS POLICIES 2 Abstract A massive shift in global eating patterns has been observed. The urge to consume ultraprocessed foods is growing to pose serious health repercussions. The increase in sugar consumption has posed a serious challenge for policymakers. This paper aims to highlight various patterns of a healthy diet, their economic, social, biological, and psychological impacts, and different policies associated with them. Additionally, better health policies are discussed which promote healthy eating habits. The objectives of this research study are: to assess the impact of poor diet on the well-being of individuals, how diet policies impact the overall health and wellbeing of people, the positive impact of improved diet policies and how diet policies impact and improve the social, economic, environmental and health conditions of people. The theoretical framework which supports this model is the Health belief Model and Trans-theoretical Model of Stages of Change. As far as a research design is considered, this research work is a systematic review of policy papers. Concluding, by analyzing various studies and literature, the paper finds out that improved policy plays a crucial role in reducing socioeconomic nutritional disparity among people. NURS 502 Liberty University Health Policy Diets Journal The implementation of improved policies not only increases the energy intake of people but also reduces obesity levels and cardiovascular deaths caused by the increased intake of sugar-sweetened beverages. Keywords: health diet policies, nutrition policies, obesity, diseases and nutrition, nutritional value, policies for children, models of health policies, health policy frameworks. IMPROVING HEALTH DIETS POLICIES 3 Table of Contents Abstract . Error! Bookmark not defined. Improving Health Diets Policies . 4 Significance of the Practice Problem .. 5 Research Question 7 Theoretical Framework .. 8 The Health Belief Model . 8 Trans-theoretical Model of the Stages of Change .. 8 Synthesis of the Literature . 9 Importance of Food Policies . 9 Cardiovascular Diseases Reduction Policies 10 Obesity Reduction Policies . 13 Food Policies Regarding Calorie Information in Restaurants 14 Food Policies Regarding Affordability and Pricing 16 Food Policy Related to Breakfast Significance . 18 Practice Recommendations 18 Project Description 20 Project Evaluation Results . 21 Discussion and Implications for Nursing and Healthcare . 23 Plans for Dissemination .. 24 Summary and Conclusion 25 References 26 Appendices .. 31 Appendix A .. 31 Appendix B 35 IMPROVING HEALTH DIETS POLICIES 4 Improving Health Diets Policies Globally, a massive shift in eating patterns of the people has been observed for the last forty years. People have increasingly been consuming processed food, having high energy and low nutrients. The portion size of the meal has increased as well, which leads to overconsumption of sugars, unhealthy food, sodium, and other harmful ingredients to the extent where it is impacting on the health patterns of individuals. Moreover, massive consumption of sugar, including energy drinks, sports drinks, and soda, has been observed over the past decade. It is further highlighted that the sugar intake in the USA has increased three times from 1970 to 2001 (Pate, Ross, Liese, & Dowda, 2015). Besides, it is highlighted that the use of sugarsweetened beverages has become the highest contributor to increased intake of sugar in the USA. This trend is not only observed in the USA, but Thailand, Vietnam, India, China, and various other South Asian countries have also increased sugar intake in daily diets. NURS 502 Liberty University Health Policy Diets Journal Health Policy Diets Journal. Besides increased sugar intake, poor dietary habits also harm the health of the citizens. It is further observed that these habits are commonly practiced by young children, which has an impact on their overall health and studies. Furthermore, due to the increasing use of gadgets and indoor games, there is a notable decline in physical activates of kids and younger children, which is causing higher obesity rates among children (Lane, Harrison, & Murphy, 2014) and working as a catalyst while combining with poor eating habits and causing increased disability patterns, higher obesity ratios and higher death rates, which accounts for two billion people, worldwide. Additionally, the newly born and their mothers account for the global disease burden of 11% (Gorski & Roberto, 2015), which leads to an overall poor well-being and childs growth. Moreover, increased sodium intake, trans fats, sugars, and other beverages directly trigger obesity, stroke, high blood pressure, cancer, diabetes, heart diseases, and so on. A risk factor due IMPROVING HEALTH DIETS POLICIES 5 to poor diet and nutrition can be triggered by the intake of high sodium and less consumption of fruits. However, heart diseases, diabetes, dental caries, weight gain, and obesity can also be caused by only eating sugar-sweetened beverages. It has highlighted the fact that there must be certain policies and regulations to limit the sugar intake, which led to a better and healthy life of the people. In addition to all this, certain policies should also be devised for people to increase their physical activities, which promote a healthy body and decrease health-related diseases (Phill Purchase answer to see full attachment Student has agreed that all tutoring, explanations, and answers provided by the tutor will be used to help in the learning process and in accordance with Studypools honor code & terms of service . Get a 10 % discount on an order above $ 100 Use the following coupon code : NURSING10