Health Effects of Environmental Toxins
Health Effects of Environmental Toxins Health Effects of Environmental Toxins Environmental health is the science that studies how the environment influences the human disease and health. Environment means things that are natural to us in the environment, for instance air, water, and soil.Health Effects of Environmental Toxins However, it also covers the physical, chemical, biological, and social features that surround us every day. The physical environment is the man-made or built structures that include our living, work, and even schools. Included in the community systems such as the roads and our transportations, and waste management. However, the alterations such as air pollution to our natural environment, is included in the physical section. The social environment is our social lifestyles like diet, exercise, socioeconomic status and many show more content Health Effects of Environmental Toxins The pollution has both chronic and acute effects on our health, and affects many of our systems and organs. The health consequences of lower levels of pollution have been more difficult to decide. The first cause is that people differ in response to the environment and the toxic s. When we are exposed to the different conditions caused by the environment, the variation is wide because of how we react. With this variability of the population, it can mask the effects that do occur in a sensitive segment of the population.Health Effects of Environmental Toxins The second difficulty is our age, and the timing of the exposures and how it will influence both sensitivity to the environmental agent, and the type of effect it will cause our health. Infants and children may acquire lifelong damage compared to us adults. Environmental regulation and pollution control will remain an important cornerstone of the public health policy. The focus will be prevention, instead of disease treatment. Control of the pollution is a highly cost-effective means ensuring public health. With the contaminated environments and the work hazards in occupations, improving the pollution control may lead to a reduced health care disparities. When the health of all citizens is protected that a nation can fulfill its potential. Another reason we could consider is the climate change. The climate poses a challenge to our health. Health Effects of Environmental Toxins Permalink: health-effects-o ronmental-toxins / ? Get a 10 % discount on an order above $ 100 Use the following coupon code : NURSING10