Health Care Theory in US & UK Discussion Response
Health Care Theory in US & UK Discussion Response Health Care Theory in US & UK Discussion Response Health Care Theory The first difference between the United States and the United Kingdom healthcare systems is in the ownership. The US healthcare system is a hybrid system running on both public and private funding. The system is financed by various sources such as general taxation, payroll remittances, and beneficiary premiums. On the other hand, the UK healthcare system is an entirely public, socialized system that assures every citizens access to healthcare irrespective of their illnesses (Mason et al., 2016). The funding comes from the publics taxation, which is directed by the National Health Service. Secondly, the United States healthcare system is a multi-player system possessing a complicated governing structure. The system was ranked last generally compared to 10 industrialized nations in a 2014 study spending nearly $8000 per capita on healthcare in 2011. Alternatively, the United Kingdom healthcare system is a single-payer system with a centrally governed structure responsible for the expansion and fiscal performance. The nations healthcare system ranked first overall compared to 10 industrialized countries in a 2014 study, spending around $3000 per capita on healthcare in 2011 (Schütte et al., 2018). Thus, the differences in the two healthcare systems lie in their governing structure. Nurses can take advantage of several key opportunities related to advocacy and political interventions to improve our current healthcare system. The first way nurses can better the health system is by advocating for improved treatment, legal representation, and payment assistance for patients if they know that a patient is being maltreated (Williams et al., 2018). These nurses can also suggest changes in the medical processors execution for a particular patient group. FL National University Health Care Theory in US & UK Discussion Response Additionally, nurses can pose intermediaries between the patients and the medical practitioners, mostly doctors, who might have ignored some of the patients needs. Patients receiving an incorrect diagnosis, dangerous accommodation, and imprecise directives require a nurse to stand up for them by alerting the necessary authorities. Accordingly, the medical facility will then take a keen look into the matter and give the proper healthcare where it is due. Health Care Theory in US & UK Discussion Response ORDER NOW FOR CUSTOMIZED AND ORIGINAL ESSAY PAPERS References Mason, D. J., Leavitt, J.K., Chaffee, M.W. (2016). Policy and Politics: In Nursing and Health Care. (7th ed.) St. Louis, Missouri: Elsevier, Saunders. ISBN-13: 9780323299886 Schütte, S., Acevedo, P., & Flahault, A. (2018). Health systems around the world a comparison of existing health system rankings. Journal Of Global Health , 8 (1). Williams, S. D., Phillips, J. M., & Koyama, K. (2018). Nurse advocacy: adopting a health in all policies approach. Online J Issues Nurs , 23 (3). Doi: 10.3912/OJIN. Vol23No03Man01 Get a 10 % discount on an order above $ 100 Use the following coupon code : NURSING10