[ORDER SOLUTION] Gender Bias, Body and Gemder Identity, Differences
1. Gender Bias How do you define gender? Why? Does how someone identifies or expresses their gender affect how you treat them? In the same vein, does your expression or identification affect how you are treated? Let your ideas wander around. Keep in mind this is about critical thinking, not being critical. Slow down your immediate reaction and see what fallacies and/or analysis might be in the thought process. *Please provide work cited 2. Body and Gender Identity About the idea of “body”: If you were born in a different place, a different time, a different shape, how would that change who you are as a person? How does age, gender, money, or media play a part in how we see our physical selves? Any other ideas about body and mind connection? * Please provide work cited 3. Differences Do any of the readings surprise you? Any truths dispelled or reinforced? What truths or assumptions do you have about yourself that might be different if you were a different you, or wanted to be a different you? What is considered normal? What fallacies do we tell ourselves? What is the difference between thinking critically about yourself, and being critical about yourself? How does it affect you and those around you? How could critical thought change things in your life, or in society? * Please provide work cited