Gaia vs. Medea
Compare and contrast the Gaia and Medea Hypotheses and provide scientific at least two pieces of scientific evidence to support each. Your paper should be 400-600 words and include a minimum of three cited references (which can include lecture slides, and/or the textbook itself). The paper will be evaluated on the basis of the attached rubric.Please use these Sources and other sources if needed:Book: Turner, “The Green Marble”Gaia Hypothesis overview from Harvard University: Hypothesis: A TED Talk from Peter Ward:;_ylt=A86.J76g5hhV4XMAikonnIlQ;_ylu=X3oDMTBsOXB2YTRjBHNlYwNzYwRjb2xvA2dxMQR2dGlkAw–?p=youtube+peter+ward+ted+talk&tnr=21&vid=0C794E7A4E11C8BE20560C794E7A4E11C8BE2056&l=1302&turl= message me if you need anything else or have questions.