Future Home of the Living God
This is not a book review. In a point-based way, with at least three major (four is recommended) points, analyze Future Home of the Living God to in light of any of these themes; you are not limited to these examples: anxieties/concerns about species integrity and human identity; environmental disaster; loss of good government; absence of or diminishment of religion; fears of a repressive state-favored religion or theocratic government (traditional societies in human history were organized by rulers that claimed their legitimacy from divine sources); or any of these and/or any combination of other points of your own choosing. In the novel rumor runs wild, theres misinformation, an absence of knowledge, people operating in a vacuum, and the progressive loss of reliable sources of truth and the absence of trustworthy authority, etc. Note: build each body paragraph around a different major point; its also possible, alternatively, that you could write an entire paper on one of these themes, although youd really have to sift through the language of the book carefully and exhaustively to get enough ammunitionspecifics, quotesto do this.