Fugitive Life in an American City
Writing assignment for On the Run: Fugitive Life in an American Cityby Alice Goffman. Students should read this article after reading the book and before the writing assignment: https://www.nytimes.com/2016/01/17/magazine/the-trials-of-alice-goffman.html This assignment should be approximately 350-500 words total and will be graded based on your ability to answer the questions using sociological concepts/theories from the lectures, books, videos, and reading materials. Please answer thoroughly and thoughtfully. If you have any questions, please contact Dr. Austin. Number your answers. (20 points possible). Make sure that you answer within Blackboard, do not email your responses. Also, if you quote or obtain material from sources, document those sources. That is, be careful about plagiarism. 1. What is the books main argument? Does the structure of the book reinforce and support its larger argument? What examples does the book offer in support of its argument? Which are most effective, and which are least effective? 2. Did the book change your understanding of these types of issues? Why or why not? 3. Do you think the author used a sound research methodology? Could it have been improved? Explain your answer.