COLLAPSE There are multiple of reasons why we stress ourselves out everyday. what i learned about myself was that i do get frustrated especially while driving . sometimes i have bad road rage, especially when I’m in a hurry to just get home. ” one of the most persistent and frequent responses to frustration is aggression, any physical or verbal behavior intended to hurt someone” ( coon, martini, mitterer 2019 ). after reading this chapter i have found ways i can reduce that frustration and try to relax. The stressors or hassles i recognize in my life would be money because Covid-19 happened and my mom got stuck outside the country so i been living alone and thinking about nursing school and how i want my interview to go perfect. Small hassles daily like having to cancel my day because something came up unexpectedly and you already had a full day of plans. Work can sometimes be a hassle. not everyday is going to be a smooth day, sometimes you are by yourself and its busy or you may have a rude customer. The way that i cope with stress is by going to the gym everyday, its like a release for me, while exercising you are also improving your health because your body needs movement and nutrition. Having a support system, surrounding yourself with positive people that have goals similar to yours really help and people you can talk to when you are feeling lost and down. Thinking about your future and everything you want helps you stay motivated in school.This makes you a productive student because it motivates you to not give up and to be on top of all your homework and exams. Some people tend to leave everything last minute and stress builds up to the point where they think its too much and drop out. learning to prioritize the important things can help with your stress levels. danesy perez Being a parent is a lot of stress, imagine adding a full-time job, and going to school full time. Talk about BURNOUT! I am not alone in balancing this thing we all call life. Many of us face stress throughout our lives. For me, being a parent while working and trying to go to school has my stress at levels, I have not been able to understand lately. As of right now, burnout is not an actual diagnosis, but a condition (Bianchi, 2013). I am a strong believer in we are able to manage our own stress, like they say grant me the serenity for the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference (Niebuhr, 1943). I have started to cope and manage my stress by organizing the things I can change and making a goal sheet with short term steps. Little by little makes progress. For things I cannot change, I am allowing myself to think before reacting, and get my mind off of it, and help with accepting them by meditating, yoga, and listening to music. Stress management will allow me to be a more productive student by letting me be in control of how to tackle the tasks I am faced with, whether it be a test, or something as simple as a discussion. Being in control and unison of my own mind, body, and soul is the ultimate level of stress control. I can control my mind to think positively with whatever I am faced, which will allow my body to not feel stress, and that calming no stress feeling is what our body always seeks. References Bianchi, R. (2015) et al. Is it time to consider the burnout syndrome a distinct illness? Frontiers in Public Health 3:158 Neibuhr, R. (1943) sermon at Health Evangelical Union Church. Heath, Massachusetts