Frederick Douglass Essay
Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass Essay Respond to one of the following prompts in a 700-750 word essay. Your answer should include direct references to the text, cited using Chicago-style footnotes. At the end of the essay, tell me the word count and put that in bold. Remember that you’re required to have an argumentative thesis and adhere to proper English grammar. Other quick notes: Five-paragraph essay, double-spaced, Times New Roman, size 12 font. No need to cite the Autobiography of Frederick Douglass using Chicago-style footnotes, but anything else you cite should be footnoted (just include the Autobiography in parentheses at the end of the sentence, along with the page number you’re citing). this is the prompt: For so much of this course, we’ve discussed competing notions of freedom in early America. How does Douglass define freedom? How does he achieve freedom?