Finds from the Upper Paleolithic
Paper Format and Length Each paper should be a maximum of 300 words (not including your name, date, etc. at the top of the page) Double-space your paper. Use 11 or 12-point font only. Use standard, 1-inch margins. Selecting a Topic Students must select an article from a periodical, such as a newspaper, magazine, or reputable online resource, that was published sometime after January 2020 and is relevant to the course materials. Your article must discuss activities/discoveries/excavations at a specific archaeological site. I will give specific topic criteria for a current event assignment the week before it is due, so be sure to check Canvas for updates. Try to locate a substantial article or news story, not just a brief headline-grabber from Yahoo News (for example). If you find a topic that intrigues you, read more about it! Using two articles on the same topic can help, as well, though you need only include one with your paper. Unacceptable Topics: -articles that are simply informational and do not include a recent excavation or discovery -articles that do not conform to the stated range of topics -articles about dinosaurs or early hominin evolution -any other topics stated as being unacceptable in a particular assignments guidelines Content of the Paper Each paper must include the following information: – a functioning link to the article at the top of the page – Name and date of publication, and author of the article. State at the beginning of your paper. You do not need to make a bibliographic entry; simply include this information in your first paragraph. – Name and location of the archaeological site in question – What is happening at the site? Active excavation? Was it just discovered? How? – Who is excavating/leading the project (if statedit usually is)? – Discussion of how this is relevant to the culture responsible for the site OR what is the potential relevance? – Discussion of the topics relevance to this course, including use of relevant terms – Brief summary of the article(s) – Your opinion about the issue discussed in the article – Exactly how and why is this current event relevant to the course? – Bring in specific terms and ideas from course materials to explain its relevance. For your current event paper this week, please choose one of these topics: – Peopling of the Americas (North or South) – Finds from the Upper Paleolithic