Financial weapons of Mass Destruction
1.Read the following articles/excerpts: Buffett, W.E. (2002). Warren Buffetts 2002 Letter to Berkshire Shareholders. Read the section on Derivatives pp. 13-15 Buffett, W.E. and Munger, C.T. (2016). 2016 Berkshire Hathaway Annual Shareholders Meeting. Watch/read the 15. Derivatives still a danger to the system section Wigglesworth, R., Henderson, R., and Platt, E. (2020, July 2). The lockdown death of a 20-year-old day trader. Financial Times Question for discussion: Comment on why Warren Buffett considers derivatives as financial weapons of mass destruction, carrying dangers that, while now latent, are potentially lethal. 2.Read the following articles/excerpts: Buffett, W.E. (1995). Warren Buffetts 1995 Letter to Berkshire Shareholders. Read the section Acquisitions including Helzbergs Diamond Shops, R.C. Wiley Home Furnishings, GEICO Corp. Buffett, W.E. (2000). Acquisition criteria at Berkshire Hathaway. Question for discussion: Comment on why acquisitions in many corporations struggles when Berkshire thrives.