Financial Statements
Research task Final Paper Compare and contrast the major financial statements of a company within the manufacturing sector to a company within the service sector Highlight the key differences between them, in terms of accounting practices or applications Provide examples of your findings to showcase how or why the two sectors differ from each other Hint: The four major financial statements are: Income Statement; Owners Equity Report; Balance Sheet; and Cash Flow Report Note: To eliminate duplications among students, please seek approval for your selected companies first from your Course Instructor Examples of how to frame your Research Topic / Final Paper A research study into the differences between the major financial statements within the manufacturing sector versus the service sector: The cases of—————– vs. ————- A comparison study of the differences between the major financial statements within the manufacturing sector versus the service sector: The cases of—————– vs. ————- An Analysis of the main differences between the major financial statements within the manufacturing sector versus the service sector: The cases of—————– vs. ————- The differences between the major financial statements within the manufacturing sector versus the service sector in their applications: A comparative case study of ———————- versus ——————– Research Paper -Structure (Minimum Requirement) – Structure (Max. 10 pages) Title Page Statement of Ownership Summary Acronyms and Abbreviations List of Definition of Terms Table of Contents List of Tables List of Figures List of Graphs Chapter 1 – Introduction Chapter 2 – Literature Review Chapter 3 – General Analysis Chapter 4 – Conclusions References Appendices