Faith Freedom and Public Schools
Read assigned materials. Work through online modules for Units 1 4. Respond to discussion question. Reading Assignments Faith, Freedom, & Public Schools online module Discussion Question: 1. After working through modules 1 4, describe what information you found most pertinent to your teaching assignment during this current school year. How can you use the information you learned through the modules in your classroom and your current group of students? Requirements: 250 words minimum initial post Writing Assignment Faith, Freedom, & Public Schools Your grade for this writing assignment will be transferred over from your Faith, Freedom, & Public Schools online module grade Resource Inventory Wong, H. K., and Wong, R. T. (2018). How to be an effective teacher: The first days of school. Mountain View, CA: Harry K. Wong Publications, Inc. Faith, Freedom, and Public Schools online module by Eric Beuhrer and Gateways of Better Education. The Holy Bible Research Articles: Locate articles by accessing the Belhaven Library Online