Explore in Deep Ocean
Should we explore in deep ocean? If so, why? If not, why not? On Page 1: Provide appropriate information, title, and page # at top, followed by three (3) brief paragraphs, each containing a quotation from a different source. Each paragraph may be independent (meaning they do not need to represent a holistic cohesive argument), but each paragraph should be self-contained and clear. In each paragraph centered on the questions above, you must (1) appropriately introduce the quotation, (2) provide the quotation with parenthetical citation, and then (3) discuss the significance of the quotation. Be sure to choose quotations carefully; when directly quoting material, make sure that it serves an important purpose. Remember that discussion of quotes should generally be at least as long as the quotation itself. Each of the three paragraphs must contain one direct quotation and each paragraph will draw upon a difference source. On Page 2 (or page 3 if your paragraphs extend beyond the first page): This will be your Works Cited page with “Works Cited” top center, followed by a list of six (6) references in appropriate MLA format. Three (3) of these sources will be the three (3) you directly quote on page 1. The other three (3) may be of any any type, but should have something to do with the Deep Sea. Among these six (6) references in you alphabetical works cited, you must include the following: 1 periodical or article, 1 book, 1 web reference, and 1 multimedia reference (music, photo, piece of art, video, etc). The type for the remaining two sources is up to you. Remember that as this is a technical assignment, you will receive a 1 point deduction for each error made on the citations.