Exceptional Education Written Assignment
The three sources must use for the written assignment 1. National Association for Gifted Children (n.d.) Definitions of giftedness.http://www.nagc.org/resources-publications/resources/definitions-giftedness 2. Smith, D. (2013, Aug. 7). What all teachers in regular classrooms can do for the gifted #1. Debbie Smith Educator in the Creative Cloud. http://www.debbie.co.nz/2013/08/what-all-teachers-in-regular-classrooms-can-do-for-the-gifted-1/ 3. Reading Response Option 6: Wyer, Kathy (2001). The great equalizer. Teaching Tolerance. http://www.tolerance.org/magazine/number-19-spring-2001/feature/great-equalizer After completing the 3 readings on exceptional education and then respond to the following prompts: 1. In your own words, define giftedness. 2. Briefly explain the 6 strategies that regular classroom teachers can employ with gifted students. 3. Why is technology considered “the great equalizer”?