Evidence Based Cases in Healthcare
https://www.thecommunityguide.org/sites/default/files/assets/dm-AJPM-evrev-effectvn-dis-case-mgmt.pdf Read the link above (minimum 500 words) answering the following questions: Why you chose the article How the research contributed to the healthcare profession A brief description of the research methods What question were the researchers trying to answer? Was this a qualitative, quantitative, or mixed-methods study? What did the evidence show? Guidelines for all written assignments: Your paper should be formatted following the guidelines in the Health Sciences Style Guide or online library resources (found in the Begin Here Module). APA-formatted title page (7th edition) Double-spaced; page numbers; proper font APA (7th edition) in-text citations and a reference page One reference should be the article you are reviewing At least one other reference may be used to back up information on the original article Save your document correctly: COURSE_Assignment name_Your last name Example: HSC2721_MOD2Case_Smith See the online library resources for specific information on academic writing and formatting. The SPC online library has a guide to assist you with your use of citations and referencing. Check out this link: http://spcollege.libguides.com/c.php?g=898821&p=6466456 (opens in new tab) Stay in the third person: https://spcollege.libguides.com/ld.php?content_id=50887978 (opens in new tab) Before posting, check for spelling and grammatical errors. If I cannot evaluate your content, you will not receive points. Use scholarly sources from one of the databases listed on the HEC library site: http://spcollege.libguides.com/c.php?g=254423&p=1695554 . For additional information, see the library web pages on evidence-based practice at: http://spcollege.libguides.com/evidencebasedpractice Paraphrase content (i.e., rephrase in your own words) and cite/reference source, do not use quotes. Quotes are not permitted to be used in this course; use of quotes will result in loss of points. Plagiarism is not tolerated. You must cite any sources you use to support your work, using APA (7th edition) formatting. Failure to cite appropriately may result in a report on plagiarism to the Academic Integrity Council. The SPC HEC writing tutors can assist with learning how to paraphrase information.