Evaluating Sources and Three Sources Forums
PART ONE: Evaluating sources Evaluating Sources Forum: SHORT ANSWER. All of these article were found doing a Google search with the question- “Is there a link between the MMR vaccine and autism.” I have used these articles for a long time and was thinking about changing them up; however, the recent outbreak of measles in Massachusetts made me think that this topic was very relevant to critical thinking. As with many of the topics I choose, my purpose is not to convince you to vaccinate, but to make choices based on empirical evidence. For this forum you may choose from the following options: Pick one source and explain why it is credible or not credible, be specific about the reasons and include words related to CRAAP. Evaluate all the sources from most to least reliable, pointing out any interesting conclusions you found when researching the authors, or companies/websites this information came from or from the evidence used to support the author’s claims. Explain the importance of credible sources when making choices and forming opinions. Relate this to a current issue in society. You may choose the increasing cases of measles, or you can choose a different issue in society where people use evidence to form opinions. NB: This part of the assignment is based upon the first order I sent you titled “Evaluating Sources”. PART TWO: Three Source Assignment Where do you get your news? SHORT ANSWER Please comment on the sites you researched for the last topic. Were there any that were shocking or extremely biased? Do you have a favorite site to get your news from? What is the worst incident you can think of where someone has shared information that is obviously not credible? You can answer any/all of these for credit for this forum. NB: This part of the assignment is based upon the second order I sent you labeled “Three sources”. PS…. Let me know if you have any questions.