Essay for a Cinema Appreciation Class
5 pages – around 1500 words – write an essay defining the terms, how they have evolved with specific examples from: Do The Right Thing Dir. Spike Lee (1989) Cinematography how the camera is used, depth of field deep focus shallow focus – rack focus, angle high or low, wide shots, close ups, medium shots, handheld Mise-en-scene the visual elements and how they are arranged, actors, sets and settings, props, makeup, costumes, special effects, lighting – how do these elements help tell the story? How are they arranged? Sound audio, diegetic, non-diegetic, layers, soundtrack, composer, score Acting performance and imitation of human behavior, method acting inside-out presentational outside-in – Stanislavski Marlon Brando – Acting choices Editing- manipulation what order the shots are in and how long each shot is – juxtaposition, seamless editing (cutting on action), parallel action, rhythm and pacing STORY- protagonist hero Antagonist – villain – hero gets in trouble – hero is in trouble hero gets out of trouble – beginning, middle, end act 1, 2 and 3 Hook, exposition, inciting incident, rising action, climax, resolution, twist – Non-linear vs. linear – circular – action/physical arc vs. emotional arc – story arc Genre, auteur, silent film, vaudeville, slapstick, dramatic irony, unreliable narrator, satire, Actor, director, cinematographer, producer, screenwriter, choreographer, art director, editor, ensemble themes – story – plot What’s does it mean? How do all these techniques we have discussed reveal and support the theme, story and plot? How do the techniques the filmmaker uses create the meaning of the film? DEFINE THE CENTRAL TERMS and give SPECIFIC EXAMPLES of how these terms and concepts are used by the filmmaker to tell the story. Should be five pages, double spaced.