Emergency Aircraft Accident Response
Individual CrashEx Report : Instructions & Marking Guide (20% of total course marks) A. Topic : 1. Based upon lecture materials, recommended readings, in-class discussions, individual research and the Annual Crash & Rescue Exercise (CrashEx), develop and describe ONE major improvement that you can make for your companys emergency aircraft accident response. 2. The description of your suggested improvement needs to be solidly grounded, i.e. your description follows the SMART format : a. Specificfocusononespecificimprovement. b. Measurabletheresultofyourimprovementmustbemeasurable. c. Achievable your improvement must be doable, achievable. d. Realisticyourimprovementmustberealisticinareal-worldairportoperationalenvironment. e. Trackablethe progress of your improvement must be track able over time with identifiable milestones. B. Individual Written Report : 1. Limited to between 1000 to 1200 words on A4 paper with single spacing and font size 12. 2. Your reference list located at the end of your report is not included in the words count. 3. Ensure you use proper citations within your report.