Effectiveness of CBT in individuals with anxiety
Observation of the effectiveness of CBT in individuals with anxiety and associated with hallucinations and/or delusions and implementation of CBT to help those individuals recover and feel better. Note: Provide evidence of why we use qualitative study method, data collection process, and measures – Outline how participants with anxiety, delusions and hallucinations feel about CBT services, do they think its helpful or not. If it is helpful which areas, they think CBT helped them – Provide a comparison of how CBT compares with CBT and Pharmacotherapy treatment – What are the weaknesses of CBT? – What are the objectives of the study? – What is the aim of the study? The problem we want to resolve (for example: Provide effectiveness – What type of quantitative methodology and research design would fit for the study? – Which variables, independent and dependent variables will be utilized in the study? – Provide study timeline (how many months and sessions?) – What type of data is observed to measure the effectiveness of the study and why are we using specific measures for this study? Provide evidence why we are using specific measures. output of the study and how would this data be useful? – Do we collect data in interview format or focus group format and how would we analyze the data (only qualitative study)? – Provide details related to our target audience (age group, condition intensity, did they have prior CBT experience. It would be nice if they have prior CBT experience to learn about what helped) – What are the challenges of the study (for example 12 sessions over a period of 12 months). Explain the timeline and why we want to study within that timeline o Do we want to provide face to face or virtual therapy sessions so that individuals dont miss the therapy sessions? o How do we measure the effectiveness of CBT for individuals with severe anxiety and associated with hallucinations and delusions?