Educational Equity for Women and Girls
In the Research Project Proposal, you will propose to me your research topic and research question(s). The 1-2-page proposal should contain three clearly-marked sections–What? Why? and How? Please compose one hefty paragraph for each section: What? — What specific issue have you chosen to investigate? How does this issue relate to the broader theme of education and social justice? What is your research question? How is your research question a knowledge-making question? Why?–Why are you interested in this issue? What got you interested in this issue? What’s at stake? Why would other people be interested in this? Who are your primary intended audiences–who would would be interested/invested in this discussion? (Don’t say “everybody.”) How?– How will you go about answering your research questions? What kinds of publications do you think will help you pursue your research question? If you plan to use one of our class readings (Hannah-Jones, Gessen, or Blitzer), mention so here, and explain why this source is important to your research.