Education and youth unemployment in Afghanistan since
(2500 words, 50 percent of module mark). General instructions: 15 Social Research method books and 10 journal, books, newspapers, academic papers. If you do not use Social research methods books, your work is not acceptable. The proposal must show extensive engagement with both topic specific and research methods literature; and be properly referenced throughout. Anything less than 25sources would be a source of concern. Each section marked * should be given equal weight and be about 700-750 words in length. That will leave about 250-400 words for the Preliminary Time table. The word limit does not include the bibliography or the 335 words of the form itself. Full title of dissertation Education and youth unemployment in Afghanistan since, 2001 to 2018. Dissertation question How can the post Education unemployment problems in Afghanistan can be solved? OBJECTIVES: 1. Does Afghanistan education match international standard? 2. How the students prepared for gainful employment in Afghanistan? 3. Is it better to establish more colleges and vocational training for students to study compare to university? 4. why the graduated students are unemployed and what are the main causes of unemployed students? Aims: what is the purpose of your research and what do you aim to discover or establish? The purpose of this paper is to investigate How can the post Education unemployment problems in Afghanistan can be solved? And what are the solution for these problems? The solution is Afghanistan education system need to be up to date for current business market. In Afghanistan children should start English when they go to kindergarten or 7 years old, in Afghanistan children start school when they are 7 years old. Research context, relevance and novelty: What is the background to your research? What existing research or debates will you be engaging with? · Afghanistan Education history since, King Amanullah to present · Afghanistan education compare to international standard · Comparing Afghanistan and Pakistan education system and success · What is the role of Afghanistan economy in providing jobs for graduate students? · ( I believe, it is unnecessary for the majority students to study at university, while they can study in college and gain some experience in the companies and organisations. In compare to going to university and being unemployed after the graduation. · · How is Afghanistan education compare with Pakistan? · How Pakistan is successful in preparing students to getting jobs on international market? · Homework method in Finland compare with Afghanistan · Afghanistan literacy and the impact on the job market and security · Data of unemployment students in Afghanistan and Pakistan · The impact of war on Afghanistan education · Theory education · Empirical data that shows the current Afghanistan educations does not answer the demand of unemployment in Afghanistan Here use the data that provide information about Afghanistan education system, unemployed graduated students from 2001 to 2018 and the data that can answer the research question Existing research and debates on my project Set your topic within the wider debate/existing literature and explain its relevance. Provide the literature for the education in Afghanistan and debate your arguments? Here the discussion will be that most of the students who graduated from high school and university are unemployed. And seeking jobs across the country. When they cannot find job then migrate to neighbouring countries, EU and USA and the rest of the world. Some of these student join Afghanistan army and others join Taliban for the purpose to feed their families. Identify the original contribution of your project to the body of existing knowledge. What is new? Interviewing the top officials from ministry of education, head of the schools, teachers and students. What is different about your project to what has gone before? Most of the papers I have read have used secondary data, whereas on this research will be used primary and secondary data. On this research will be interviewed top officials from ministry of education, and the head of the school, teachers and students across the country. Compare this paper to other papers? Make sure you refer to some of the core texts used in your main courses. *Theoretical framework: i.e. the body of theories and paradigms which will be underpinning your research / AND which you will be testing during your research OR using to explore new evidence. Remember that no interpretations are theory neutral! *Data, methods, and research design: is Mix-methods Discussion of you will actually go about doing the project. Reflect on your own views of the reality under investigation, including any assumptions about its nature (ontology) and the appropriate means of gaining knowledge about that reality (epistemology). Outline the specific types of methods to be used in your research. Explain the methods of data collection and justify them. What methods will you use? Qualitative and quantitative methods / Mix-methods A case study on Afghanistan and Pakistan education system In this research it will be finding the primary and secondary sources. How will you gather information? In this research I will be using Primary interviews, online data bases, searching on i-Cat library search, using Refworks on Kingston university. Reading book, Journal articles, Google scholar, newspapers. the journal articles and books. During this project I am going to interview people who are or were in charge in Afghanistan education system. The interview method will be by Skype, Facebook messenger and Whats app. I was planning to travel to Afghanistan but unfortunately is not possible now, because of the pandemic. The COVID 19 has changed all the research programme I had before. Unfortunately, I have to use digital method as has mentioned earlier. Identify suitable sources, differentiating between primary and secondary sources, and to offer details on primary sources. Are you going to be doing a case study? What kind of case study? Will your research have any ethical implications? Ethical principles: You can use the ethical implications or you can find in social research method books This is an example for you Example of ethical implication According to Diener and Crandall (1978) Whether there is harm to participants; Whether there is a lack of information consent; Whether there is an invasion of privacy; Whether there is deception is involved According to above ethical principles my research will not have any ethical implications, because when I ask a participant, I will ask their permission for interview them for the purpose of this research and it will not be shared with third party. According to the data protection UK Act (1998) it is illegal to not follow these eight principles. (Bryman, 2012) According to data protection UK Act (1998) confers obligation on people and organisation who hold personal data on others and it confers rights on those about whom such information is held. The information commissioners website points out the following about the Act. In the data protection has written that firstly, [it the data protection Act] states that anyone who processes personal information must comply with eight principles, which make sure that (Bryman, 2012) Consider the practical side if the research. What will you have to do in practice to complete the project; by when will you have to do it? Preliminary timetable: 15 March and April Researching Data Main data collection and analyse data, 1, 2. First, and second draft Proof and check spelling Writing research proposal completed 1 May and June Chapter 1,2 Complete data collections Analyse data Analyse data I will begin with first draft July and August: final draft chapter 2 and 3 Complete first draft Chapter 2,3 Discuss draft with Dr Second draft Final draft Proofing/checking September Complete data collection for chapter 4, 5 Analyse data Analyse data Meeting with Dr Andy Proofing/checking September Complete first draft Chapter 4,5 Discuss draft with Dr Second draft 10 September Final draft Proofing/checking 18 September the deadline. This is an example for you how to make for this paper Contents Chapter 1 Introduction 1.1 1.2 Explanation of how your research fits into this broad area 1.3 The research question, hypotheses and the specific objectives of your research 1.3.1 A sub-sub-heading Chapter 2 A Justification of the Research Methods Used Chapter 3 Review of Literature Chapter 4 Results Chapter 5 Analysis Chapter 6 Discussion Chapter 7 Conclusions Chapter 8 Future Work References Bibliography: