Ecological Restoration Proposal
Ecological Restoration Proposal Research and prepare an ecological restoration proposal that describes restoration objectives, implementation plans and monitoring plans for evaluating project success. A proposal must outline a project of your choice that can be restored as a “natural area.” Consult with the instructor about your proposal before you begin, so as to obtain recommendations and to avoid duplication with similar proposals. Examples of “natural areas” restoration may include, but are not limited to: shoreland restoration; wetlands mitigation; forest restoration and management; school forest, prairie restoration; garlic mustard management in woodlands; savanna restoration; European buckthorn management in southern oak forests; purple loosestrife management in wetlands; rain gardens, butterfly gardens, agricultural waterways and buffers. The restoration proposal includes the following sections in this order: ABSTRACT, BACKGROUND, MATERIALS and METHODS, ITEMIZED EXPENDITURES, TIMELINE, and REFERENCES. View the ecological restoration proposal rubric to understand how the proposal is graded, based on content and organization. Follow the APA style of writing as specified in Marian Universitys Reference ManualA brief guide to using APA and MLA Documentation. Suggested length for a report is three to five pages; double?spaced and typed with one inch margins. Include a title page and a References page that cites a minimum of five references. APA style format: 1″ margins, 10 or 12pt Times New Roman font, title page, running page header, parenthetical references cited, references page. Proposals must include parenthetical references and where appropriate, captioned and labeled illustrations, maps, chart, graphs, and tables. The ecological restoration proposal is due at the end of the course. use only internet sources that i am able to look at and view please choose the topic you want to write about from the following: horeland restoration; wetlands mitigation; forest restoration and management; school forest, prairie restoration; garlic mustard management in woodlands; savanna restoration; European buckthorn management in southern oak forests; purple loosestrife management in wetlands; rain gardens, butterfly gardens, agricultural waterways and buffers. I do not care about the topic as long as the paper is well done all info for assignment is included