Distributive Justice
CHOOSE ONLY ONE PROMPT FOR THE JOURNAL ENTRY. Prompt 1: Suppose you think your countrys form of distributive justice is seriously flawed. How could you argue for this view? What theory of justice explains this flaw? Argue that either the general distribution in a country or some specific distributive practice (like job distribution, or work in the household) is unjust and give your reasons in the context of a specific theory of justice we covered (Platos, Social Contract Theorists, Marx and Engels, or Okins). Consider a possible counterpoint (question or problem) to one of your reasons given. Prompt 2: Does Okins claim about the injustice of current practices of family life coincide with your own observations of family life on our culture? Argue that it does or does not, and give reasons as your explanation. Consider a possible counterpoint (question or problem) to one of your reasons given. Prompt 3: What is the just form of retribution or punishment for criminal acts? Should we give an eye for an eye as Hammurabi said, should rehabilitation be the goal of punishment, should it be to make an example of the criminal, or something else? Consider one or two specific criminal acts and argue for your idea of retributive justice for those acts by connecting it to one or more of the theories of justice we have covered (Platos, Social Contract Theorists, Marx and Engels, or Okins). Consider a possible counterpoint (question or problem) to one of your reasons given.