Digital Communications
I need a report for master degree project and this report should show understanding of technology impact on media and mass communication in different ways. It provides an in-depth framework of the world of digital communications, covering both conceptual and practical aspects. In addition, this report should point out the dynamic relationship between new mass communication forms, technology and society. the main point that we will focus on are : What Was Television? In the network era, the television was as a domestic, non portable medium used to bring the outside world into the home, Program options for viewers were limited to national networks that delivered content on a linear through the day schedule. The process of digital switchover from conventional to digital television Starting from BBC lunched its online streaming and download IN 2007. The challenges for the television industry in the new television landscape – A lot of big channels lost their audience – Measurement the audience How television consumption is changing and what are the important changes that occurred in the behavior of the recipient audience in light of this transition? The arrival of digitalization has modified television consumption. As the audience is no longer tied to schedules and the programme grid has diminished in importance as consumers adopt technologies.. Audiovisual content can still be enjoyed live via television sets but now we can also watch it on the screens of other devices such as computers, tables or even through our mobiles. And video streaming is playing an important role in this era: video streaming services allowed the young directors to shine in the sky and show their talents as they do not have a place in the regular market. because now video streaming service having their own production line. Such as Netflix, Shahid, and watchit. Also there are a lot of production companies create a video streaming line to capture more audience such as watch-it owned by Synergy case studies – netflix – watchit in egypt