Digital Age
Answer all 3 of the following questions. I dont need an intro or conclusion, but answer in full sentences for every question. Point form will not be accepted. These are not opinion questions. All of your answers must draw on class material and capture all elements of the major debates for each class and study. Develop your answers thoroughly. While I cant regulate whether you are working in groups or not, your papers will be marked independently. I understand that there will be some similarities as you will be drawing from the same studies in your answers, but anything more than minor similarities will be considered plagiarism. Additionally, you should be using your own words to develop your answers. What I mean by this is that simply quoting a study is not acceptable. Quoting a study and then explaining in your own words is acceptable. If the quote is longer than your own explanation, this is an indication that you need to further develop your answer. 1. What do the boundaries of gamer identity mean? What did the study The Meanings of Racist and Sexist Trash Talk for Men of Colour find out about racism and sexism in the process of trash-talking? [8 Marks] – about a page, single-spaced 2. What is mobile intimacy? What did the study Mobile Phones or Pepper Spray? reveal about how people think of the mobile phone? [8 Marks] – about a page, single-spaced 3. According to the study, Im just curious and still exploring myself, how do the under 18s in the sample challenge popular conceptions of porn consumption? State and fully explain each of the four categories that best describe their engagement with pornography. [8 Marks] – about a page, single-spaced