Different Type of Trick
4 page Essay on 4 different types of trick or treaters. NO Sources and must be a 3 person POV paper. Instructions I chose Choose a particular group/ demographic of people (for example, bosses, salespeople, room mates, sports fans, etc.) and write an essay about the different types of individuals within that broad category. Your tone may be light or serious, but you should reach some conclusions about the types of people you describe. 2. Avoiding the obvious system of classifying according to game shows, detective shows, sitcoms, reality TV shows, come up with your own original division-classification principle. Write an essay in which you categorize popular TV shows–or movies. (Another option would be to classify different types of characters on, say, sitcoms.) Examples: different types of movie heroes, different types of buddy comedies, different types of horror movies. Refer to specific shows/episodes/ movies to support your classification system.