Diabetics Topic and Community
Format: APA (no abstract required) This paper should be five pages in length. A. Introduction to DIABETES Topic and Community (Lowell, Massachusetts) Identify the purpose, aim, direction of the project. Include brief epidemiological statistics, which validate purpose and aim. Use text/HP 2020/literature to validate. B. Assessment Data: Include data appropriate for DIABETES Example: Windshield Survey, U.S. & State Government Statistics, Lowell Massachusetts Stats a. Describe specific characteristics of the selected community that includes boundaries, geographical description, map, government, community services, history, organized religions, cultural background/s, significant characteristics b. Full epidemiology review. Web of Causation should be included. c. Develop a demographic profile which includes census information (total population, age, sex, racial/ethnic composition, marital status stats, economic characteristics, education, employment, household data, language, etc) and vital statistics (birth rate, teen birth rate, death rate, infant mortality rate, leading causes of death, violent acts) d. Environment influences including identified pollution problems, air quality, sanitation, urban vs. rural issues, public transportation availability e. Health care delivery systems data regarding access and adequacy (immunizations, insurance issues) f. Assess existing programs and resources (existing interventions). C. Literature Research on Selected Health Topic 50% nursing research articles/25% research from other disciplines 25% from web based and/or textbooks (articles should be no older than 3 years unless historically significant for topic). No Lay Press Web based / internet sources should NOT include Wikipedia type sources D. Diagnosis and Interventions Be creative Think outside the box Include others Collaborative, Innovative, Realistic, Time-frames included a. Propose realistic collaborative interventions aimed at the aggregate level related to the community selected and health topic. b. Community (nursing) interventions involve developing a plan to promote health or reduce risks for vulnerable populations. Therefore, a problem or goal statement and objectives should be included. Describe the intervention(s)/program to meet goals and objectives. Use time periods and build upon existing resources that you have identified in your assessment. If no existing resources, state such in the write-up. c. How will you assess your interventions are helping, useful, appropriate? Be sure to include assessment methods. E. Summary or Conclusion APA format is required. This includes margins, font, and use of tables. Attention should also be paid to spelling, grammar, logical presentation and writing style as well as adequate use of references that are applicable and support the premise of the project.