Devil in the Grove
(Papers should be 6-7 pages (about 1,500 words) long, with additional cover sheet, endnotes, and bibliography. They should be typed and double-spaced. Use the Chicago citation style in crafting your review (see, and don’t use personal pronouns.). Use reasonable margins and type-size. Bibliographical information for the book should be provided, as follows: Author. Title. Place of Publication: Publisher, Year Published. Number the pages of your review in the lower right-hand corner of each page.) (Devil in the Grove by Gilbert King book review) Writing the Book Review primarily an evaluation of your author’s ability, using the criteria I’ve assigned, with many examples. A typical book review is organized like this: I. Introduction: author’s name, title, sense of whether you like the book, foreshadow the outline of your paper to come. II. Body A. Author’s Credentials (use your own words to describe his education, books he’s written, and other important experience. Provide lots of examples. Use your own words , and provide a citation about where you found out about him. This section should be only one paragraph (perhaps 1/4 page) long. B. Author’s Thesis and is it Believable (one short paragraph) C. Author’s Use of Sources (one-two paragraphs) Tell me which types of sources he uses, and provide multiple examples of each. Be specific. D. Author’s Organizational Style (one paragraph) Provide multiple examples. E. Author’s Bias/Neutrality (one-two paragraphs) Provide examples. F. How does this book complement any other material (assigned films, assigned readings, or common sense) on this topic. Provide specific examples. G. Is it well-written? Provide examples H. Is it interesting? Provide examples I. Does your author provide the reader with assistance? Provide examples of maps, charts, glossaries…) J. Other evaluative areas, as appropriate. III. Conclusion (one paragraph) Briefly restate your main points, using slightly different language, and give me the bottom line: Do you recommend this book?