Developmental Biology 23:17-33:09 perfectly explains the instructions for this research proposal I ned help figuring a topic for this proposal. It just needs to be based around developmental biology. 4 pages double spaced (not including references) Lit review (no more than 1 page) (30 marks) Not an introduction, it is a review of the current literature within the last 5-10 years Objectives (no more than 1 page) (15 marks) short term objectives- what you plan to do in this current research project (ex. In the next 4 years I plan to do this . I hope to understand how this very specific) Long term objectives – what you hope to accomplish in your career (ie. this can lead to a cure for..) Research plan (no more than 2 pages) 45 marks rationale for (behind the technique) and approach (how technique was used) References (references for lit review and research plan)