Developing a Pay Scale
Think about a job with which you are familiar. This could be your current or past job or the job of a friend or family member. Do some research, using two sources other than the eText, to develop a pay range for this job. You have to create the pay rate. Dont just list what one is, list what you think it should be. Be specific. You may reference a companys pay rates, but you need to decide what is a fair pay rate and be able to justify that decision. You also need to cite anything you reference. You will need to list a minimum and maximum rate for the job. You may list other levels between those two if you like. Why did you choose these rates? How do you know these rates are competitive with similar employers in your area? How do you determine where on the scale employees will fall (i.e. who gets the minimum and who gets the maximum)? Your overall page length for this assignment should be at least 3 full pages and no more than 5 pages. Should be APA format using 2 scholarly articles