Depression Argumentative
Definition: An argumentative essay states and defends a thesis sentence. A thesis is a claim that can be defended and must be defended if it is to be accepted. The thesis should be a substantiated observation that can teach others something about a subject. The thesis is crucial. It should be one sentence, and it should be debatable. Topic: With your chosen topic, find reasons to support your conclusions. You must have three credible sources minimum. You can locate these on AVL, books, newspaper articles, etc. The last page of your paper (page 4) will be your Works Cited page. You will include in-text citations of these sources as well. Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to show the readers your argument and position on a certain issue. Audience: I am your audience. Focus on the skills that you read in your chapter. Format: Your essay must be typed using 12-point, Times New Roman font, double-spaced, and have 1-inch margins all the way around the page. Be sure to type your name, ENG 101-W31, and the assignment title at the top left of your paper. You should center a paper title after your heading. (Dont forget to add in-text citations and a works cited page to your paper.) Length: Your essay should be three full pages. You will be penalized if you dont have this amount.