Depression and yoga
Problem – taking antidepressants medications to treat depression Solution – yoga 1. Present a problem, give its causes and effects, and then present your solution. If there are people who do not agree that your problem is indeed a problem, then you will argue that it is. 2. Give specific details illustrating, defining, and describing the negative effects of this problem. Your solution is the other part of your argument. 3. Make it clear, reasonable, convincing, and doable. If your problem is agreed upon by most people, then your solution will probably be more involved. Be sure to include a valid opposition and rebuttal. Your opposing people may think that there is no real problem or that there is a problem but that your solution will not work. 4. Use as many modes of development and patterns of organization as you need to get your point across. For example, you may know of a parallel situation in which a certain solution worked for a similar problem.