Current Issues in Psychology Research Paper
This research paper is for a paper for the class Current Issues in Psychology. Please propose a thesis statement to me and then we can go from there. To give you an idea, the one I started had the thesis: The human brain uses religion and mythology in order to enhance psychological well-being. I didn’t get a perfect score for this I got a 90% so something better than this is needed. The THESIS MUST: The statement must be clear and concise, not overly general The statement must be falsifiable and debatable The statement must pertain to one of the areas of psychology explored in this course The statement must be written in proper grammar and syntax Please be sure that you have an introductory paragraph that introduces the topic with your thesis statement. Make sure that your thesis statement stands out in the introduction. In the body of the paper, use at least 15 peer-reviewed, primary source articles to support your argument. The paper must be at least 10 pages (double-spaced, 12-point font) in length (including the title, abstract and reference pages). There must be at least 15 recent (preferably no more than 10 years old) references from peer-reviewed journals (use only primary sources). The body of the paper should support your thesis statement. Finally, please include a summary/concluding paragraph(s) that discuss whether youve supported your hypothesis, and briefly why. You also must not only review the literature; you must focus on a particular perspective in psychology and trace it to its philosophical origins. For example, you could discuss some current research supporting the evolutionary psychological perspective and then trace this perspective back to its philosophical roots. The paper will account for 30% of the final grade.