Culture Report
Select a country or region of the world (other than the U.S) that interests you; perhaps a place that you would like to work, live, or visit extensively. Research and write a culture report on the selected country or region, according the requirements presented below. The Culture Report is to include a detailed discussion of ALL of the following topics, with appropriate headings, logical flow of information, and a polished closing. Hofstede’s Dimensions findings for your country (if you selected a region, then focus a specific country from that region that was included in Hofstede’s study). Discuss where your country ranks in each area, the implications of those rankings, and some of the examples cited in research findings that demonstrate support. Do not waste time and space explaining Hofstedes study and defining the dimensions; assume the reader is aware of that information. The focus should be the reporting of this information as it relates to your selected country/region. Individualism-collectivism Power distance Uncertainty avoidance Masculinity-femininity Long-term/short-term orientation Trompenaars’s Dimensions (if you selected a region rather than a country, then focus on one specific country from that region that was included in Trompenaars’s study). Discuss where your country ranks in each area, the implications of these rankings, and some of the examples cited in research findings that demonstrate support. Again, assume the reader is aware of the background information regarding the study and definitions of the terms. Obligation: universalistic vs particularistic Emotional Orientation in Relationships: neutral vs affective Privacy in Relationships: specific vs diffuse Source of Power and Status: achievement vs ascription Negotiating Customs Motivating Techniques Leadership Styles (popular or most used leadership styles, attitudes towards leadership, how leaders are treated/viewed/respected, how hierarchical relationships are treated, etc.) Teams (usage, attitudes toward teams, etc.) Communication (preferred styles and methods, specifics regarding proxemics/space, kinesics/gestures, usage and meanings of facial expressions and eye behavior, paralanguage) Miscellaneous cultural customs/traditions that may be of interest to a new manager or person doing business in that country (or with people from that culture). Be sure to utilize a minimum of 10 sources that meet acceptable standards for graduate academic work. NOTE: Wikipedia is NOT an acceptable source for ANY level of academic work. General Formatting Requirements Cover page (student’s name, date, name of course, professor’s name, title of assignment, and country or region selected for the report) 10 -15 pages (not including cover page, table of contents, reference pages, exhibits, or appendices) Times New Roman or Calibri font 12 point font size Double-spaced 1-inch margins on all sides APA style for in-text citations and references Numbered pages