Cryptography Assignment Questions
Know the terminology flash cards.
Know the historical cryptographic systems.
Know the popular symmetric, asymmetric, and hashing algorithms.
What is the definition of Cryptography?
Who is known as the father of Western cryptography?
What makes up the CIA Triad?
How does the Caesar Cypher work?
What is the Scytale cipher
What’s the difference between asymmetric and symmetric algorithms?
What was the application of cryptography created by the Egyptians?
What is the Vigenere Cypher?
What is DES (Data Encryption Standard)?
What is the Rijndael Algorithm?
What is the relationship between AES an DES in the US?
What are Symmetric algorithms are typically known for their ability to maintain?
How many and what type of keys involved with Symmetric Algorithms?
What’s the advantages of stream ciphers over block ciphers?
What ciphers typically use XOR operations?
What is an algorithm?
What is a certificate authority?
What is ciphertext?
What are collisions?
What is cryptanalysis?
What is meant by Decrypt?
What is a digital signature?
What is meant by Encrypt?
What is a Hash Function?
What is known as Key clustering?
What is a key space?
What is non-repudiation?
What is plaintext?
What is SSL/TLS?
What is the work factor?
What does the Kerckhoff Principle states?
Does it help to know the amount of data that you are encrypting ahead of time using block ciphers?
What are one-time pads?
What is digital watermarking?
What are transposition ciphers?
What are Vigenere Ciphers?
What is meant by codes?
What are polyalphabetic ciphers?
What is the process known as steganography?
What are running key ciphers?
Electronic Code Book works well with block cyphers.
Cipher Block Chaining is similar to Electronic Code Book but it uses an IV to add security.
Caesar cipher and Vigenere cipher are symmetric algorithms.
Block ciphers are not more closely emulate one-time pads.
Asymmetric algorithms are sometimes used for digital signature applications.
What is Enigma encryption machine?
A strength of symmetric algorithms is that they have multiple modes.
A strength of asymmetric algorithms when compared to symmetric algorithms is key management. (sharing keys with others while maintaining secrecy)
What are the weaknesses of symmetric algorithms?