[Get Solution] Critical Review and Analysis
Students are required to write ONE PAPER IN THIS CLASS. This paper will consist of a critical review and analysis of Thomas Jay Oord, The Uncontrolling Love of God: An Open and Relational Account of Providence. This paper must be 5-7 pages in length, double-spaced, and in 12 point Times New Roman font. In this paper, the student is required to offer a detailed summary of the text. You must summarize 1) the main problem that Oord hopes to address (see chapter 1), 2) previous scholarly attempts at resolving the problem (chapters 4 and 5), and Oords constructive proposal for resolving the problem (chapters 6 and 7). You should then assess the merits or demerits for Oords theology of providence. Here, you may consider whether he resolves the problem of evil, or whether resolution creates problems for faith? Is Gods control appropriate or problematic? Does his theology beginning with human experience allow him to ground his theological claims in an authority beyond himself or does it offer a realistic account of reality and Gods more limited role in it? How might Kathryn Tanner assess Oords theology? Please be aware that this is a lot of material to cover in a very short space. Students must endeavor, therefore, to write clearly and concisely if they are to cover the material satisfactorily. After offering a detailed and well-documented summary of Oords ideas, then, and only then, the student will state her own informed opinion about the text. Here, too, you should endeavor to establish your argument and summary in the text. You must learn to quote the text in your summary and learn to appropriate the most pertinent of the authors statements into your summary. I cannot emphasize this enough in all your written work in this class.