Critical Family History Paper
Include/respond to the following to structure your critical family history paper: Introductory statement about you, your personal background, and how or why you became interested in teaching. An overview of your family history: who were your ancestors? How did they fit into society? What were their social ideals? (This should come from your family tree and interview) How might you view your ancestors in relation to historical and social conflicts in education (you may need to do a bit of research here). How might their positions or roles in society have related to these conflicts? (family interview) Relate any family stories that have been told over time and how they shape your own view of your social attitudes or beliefs about the world. (Part 4 compare and contrast to yourself) How do understandings of your ancestry and your ancestors positions in society relate to your interpretation of the purposes of K-12 education? (Part 4 compare and contrast to yourself) How do the answers to the questions above influence your approach to teaching/learning? (Part 4 compare and contrast to yourself) This assignment will be evaluated based on completion points and attention to composition (e.g., writing, tone, functionality of the presentation, etc.). Your complete paper should be 5-7 pages (double spaced, 12 pt font, Time New Roman, 1 inch margins)