Counseling Psychology
Reaction Paper (15%): Write a 2-3 page paper in which you compare, contrast and critique two of the journal articles discussed in class this semester. The articles can be compared and contrasted in terms of multicultural application of results, findings and methods used. Due date: 11/05/2020 by 11:59pm. Submit paper via blackboard. Please email me in advance if you need an extension so we can discuss and agree on a new due date. Format: I am very flexible with the format for this paper. All is asked is for students to use Times new roman 12pt and double space. You can also use APA style. Take the following steps: Select two of the articles we covered in class so far. You can select two articles from module 1, 2 or 3. Keep in mind that some of the readings such as Corey & Corey, Feminist Theory & Summer & Flanagan are book chapters and may not have a methods or result section. In that case, you can talk about the purpose of the articles, the different topics and multicultural implications. Answer the guiding questions below and provide your own insights/opinions. Reach out to me (professor) if you need any assistance with this paper. Submit the paper by using the reaction paper link that will be located in Module 4. Guiding Questions: 1. What is the main purpose of each article? What are the authors trying to explore/discuss? a. For example: The Corey & Corey chapter main purpose was to provide us with an overview of the different theoretical orientations. 2. What research methods did the author/s used? Qualitative or ethnographic methods? If the method is not listed, you can take a guess and explain your response. 3. Did the results/conclusion match the purpose of the articles? Please explain. If the results did not match the main purpose of the articles please explain why you think it did not match. a. For example: If the article main purpose or argument is The therapeutic relationship is linked to therapy success does the data collected support this or not. 4. What kind of participants or population did the articles focused on? a. Example: adults, kids, people of color, women ect. 5. Do you think the information discuss in the articles was biased? Yes or No? Please explain your answer. 6. Did the article discuss any multicultural implications? a. For example: did the author discuss any multicultural implications or need for multicultural research. Multicultural refers to diverse culture, populations, religions, social class, disability, LGBTQ ect. Please discuss areas for future research? Based on this research article, do the authors make recommendations for future research? Do you have any suggestions for future research? Did you find any of this articles informative? Did you learn anything new from these articles? Yes or No? Please explain Note: These questions are just a guide to help you write this paper. Feel free to discuss anything else that I missed with my guiding questions. This is a reaction paper meaning that students are encouraged to provide their own insight and opinions.