Coping Technique
Project #2: Ego Defense Mechanisms submit on Blackboard by 10pm on the due date In your textbook (p. 353) and in the notes from class, you will find descriptions of defense mechanisms and other questionable forms of coping that we all use to some degree when faced with anxiety and stress. Six of them are listed below: a. Denial b. Projection c. Rationalization d. Displacement e. Regression f. Reaction formation Keep a record for a day or two of episodes in which you believe an individual has used one of the forms of coping listed. Among the sources you can use to gather such episodes are interactions with friends, conversations you might overhear, observations of your own behavior, television shows, or short stories or novels. Summarize each episode in a few sentences and identify the form of coping that was used by assigning a letter from the list above. After you have collected 6 episodes, consider the following questions: 1. Did any of the forms of coping occur more frequently than others? 2. Do you think the individuals you observed were aware of the coping technique they were using? 3. Was it easier to spot coping techniques used by others or your own?